Greetings from Cambodia! It's my month to hostess the challenges over at A Charming Place! Of course, when I signed up for August, I had no idea that I was going to be gone for a quarter of it. This is why I've scheduled this post for today and also why I've chosen Travel as this month's theme. You have all month to participate in the challenges. Each challenge you complete earns you one entry into the draw for a $15 gift certificate to A Charming Place. Believe me, $15 goes a long way there! I am also offering a $10 gift certificate to the first person who completes one of my challenges and posts it in the Charming Place Gallery and then posts a link to it in the appropriate challenge thread on the forum. Are you ready for this month's challenge?
Create a project that is inspired by some other country/city in the world. Use a french script background, scrapbook a Mexican recipe or that fabulous vacation. Any type of project goes, but it must contain at least one charm. Don't have any charms? Place an order in my online store this month and I'll mail you a selection of charms to play with (sorry, Canadians only). Have fun!

Stamps: En Francais, Artistic Etchings
Ink & Cardstock: Crumb Cake, Cherry Cobbler, Early Espresso
Accessories: Charms, Crochet Trim, Pewter eyelet, brayer, Log Cabin Smooch Spritz